Prestige Dental Supplies Catalog

Prestige Dental Products, Inc. Tel: 877-772-3888


RP Blue Sensitive Panoramic X-Ray Films

Cephalometric X-Ray Film (DA)

Green Sensitive 8" x 10", 100 Sheets/ Box 30-97171 Blue Sensitive 8" x 10", 100 Sheets/Box 30-97172 Duplicating Film (DA)

Size 5" x 12", 100/Box

59-92931 59-92932

Size 6" x 30" (15 x 30), 100/Box

X-Omat Duplicating Film (Carestream)

Reproduces most radiographs with excellent fidelity. May be exposed in a printing frame, contact printer, or rotating- cylinder printer. Designed for automatic processing, but can also be processed manually. Applications: Duplicates of radiographs for insurance claims, referring specialists and teaching aids.

5' x 12", 50/Box 5' x 12", 100/Box 59-90202 6' x 12" (15 x 30) 100/Box 59-90203 Duplicating Film (XOG) 59-90201

Size 5" x 12", 100/Pkg


Duplicating Film X-Omat Two-Film Size 1-1/4" x 1-5/8" (Box of 50)


Panoramic Film (XOG)

Dental X-Ray Film Developing Solutions

Developer & Fixer (Air Techniques)

XOG 5" x 12" (Compare To TMG-5) Pkg. of 100 XOG 5" x 12" (Compare To DF-75) Pkg. of 100


Every batch of Air Techniques chemistry receives continual quality checks from start to finish. It has superior anti-oxidation prop- erties for longer life. Balanced hardener levels protect the film emulsion, preventing scratches and roller marks during processing. Air Techniques Fixer easily washes off the film surface, extending archival life of the radiographs.


Panoramic X-Ray Film

Fixer , 1 x Gal Developer, 4 gal Developer, 1 x Gal

59-89145 59-89144 59-89143 59-89142 59-89141 59-89146

6"x12" (15x30cm), 100/Box

59-88832 59-88831

5"x12" , 100/Box

Starter , 12 oz

5"x12" , 50/Box Compare to T-MAT G (TMG-5) by Kodak 6"x12" (15x30cm), 50/Box compare to T-MAT G (TMG-15) by Kodak

Dev. & Fixer, 2 gallons each


Fixer, 4 gal.

Automatic Developer & Fixer


Premixed Solution For Roller Type Automatic Processors

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