Prestige Dental Supplies Catalog

Prestige Dental Products, Inc. Tel: 877-772-3888


to set the machine to zero. RootPro™’s unique automatic calibration function ensures accuracy and eliminates the effect of changes in temperature, moisture, etc. inside the canal even during treatment. It comes with a wireless foot switch, dramatically reducing clutter and drag during operation, ensuring a user-friendly experience through- out. A D V A N T A G E S •Prepares root canals while displaying accurate & precise measure- ments of the root canal •Offers many automatic safety control options: Auto Motor Start/ Stop, Auto Torque Reverse, Auto Apical Reverse •Accurately and precisely locates the position of the file inside a root canal •No zero-adjustments needed •Automatic calibration ensures accuracy & eliminates the effect of changes in temperature and moisture •Wireless foot switch for a user-friendly & clutter-free operation

Canal Measurement Module, Includes: Probe Cord, File Holders (3), Contrary Elec- trodes (5), Function Tester, "AA" Alkali Bat- teries (3) Low Speed Handpiece Module, In- cludes: Micromotor (TR800), Contra Angle, Handpiece Cord, Handpiece Rest, AR Oil, AC Adapter, Battery (pre-installed) Foot Switch, Plastic Sleeves (20)



Micromotor (TR400)


Micromotor (TR800)


Contra Head


Heandpiece Cord


1x Complete RootPro Unit: 1 x Root- Pro main unit with low-speed hand- piece, 1 x probe cord, 3 x file holders, 1 x handpiece rest, 1 x foot switch, 1 x ac adapter, 5 x contrary electrodes, 1 x canal-length tester, 1 x AR oil

Handpiece Rest


Probe Cord (Root ZX II)


Probe Cord (Original Root ZX)



File Holders (5)


1x Low-speed handpiece replacement


Contrary Electrodes (Lip Clips) (5)


Foot Switch


Long File Holder


AC Adapter (110V~240V, 50/60Hz)


RootPro CL Endo Cordless Handpiece

Low-Speed contra-angle handpiece sleeves, 250/box


It is ergonomically designed with a thin neck and contra angle to provide unobstructed view & superior access in all endo treatments. The simple LCD display and user friendly control streamline clinical work. - 5 programmable memory - Auto-reverse function - Contra angle head can be adjusted 6 positions to suit users needs - Full charge lasts 80 minutes at rated load - Auto-off after 10 minutes idle -Autoclavable (135°C) contra angle head - Speed: 140 ~ 550RPM Torque: 0.3 ~ 3.0 N-cm.

Sonic Air MM 1500 Endo System (Medidenta)

All NiTi systems are excellent in creating crown down effects, but they do not irrigate or cleanse lateral canals. These canals are breeding grounds for bacteria, which in efefct will increase post-op pain and inevitable retreatment. The Sonic MM1500 will effectively cleanse the lateral canals with its cavitation effect, thus reducing post-op pain and recalls. Uses: - Coronal flaring - Canal shaping - Solution irrigation - Cleansing - Remove an isthmus - Cavitate solution to clean lateral canals - Clean buccal and lingual extensions Requires lubrication after every four autoclaves - Use only autoclavable oil - Bur insert / Release: Pull down head - Connection: 4-hole - Autoclavable Accepts: Sonic Files - Rispi Sonic, Shaper Sonic, Trio-Sonic, Retrprep 1 year warranty



RootPro Endo Motor-Apex Locator (Pac-Dent)


RootPro™ Wireless is the most advanced apex locator / endo motor all-in-one system of its kind. With a newly add- ed wireless foot pedal, the RootPro dramatically reduces the clutter and improves your efficiency

The RootPro™ endodontic motor with Low-Speed Handpiece is a dual-function device that pre- pares root canals while displaying accurate measurements of the root canal. The RootPro™ offers many automatic safety control options, making it the ideal choice for Dentist or Endodontist. It provides the user with expected predictability in today’s dental prac- tice.RootPro™ also accurately and precisely locates the position of the file inside a root canal without requiring the user

MM 1500 Handpiece, each


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